The party hall

the perfect match between space and intimacy


Il Circolo delle Querce is a unique reception room not only for its sumptuous furnishings, space and attention to detail, but also for its capacity to create an intimate and warm atmosphere.

large party hall


Entrando all’ interno di questo meraviglioso spazio il legno è l’indiscusso protagonista: il parquet e le robuste travi a vista che fungono da controsoffittatura conferiscono un aspetto caldo all’ambiente. Le ampie vetrate con affaccio sul parco e i giochi di luci rendono il Salone delle Feste particolarmente luminosa; le pareti rivestite di pietra locale richiamano alla mente lo stile architettonico dei manieri medioevali e delle signorili dimore di campagna.

customised arrangements

Great attention to the interior design: tablecloths in noble materials such as fiandra and silk, candles, central table, silver under plates and cutlery, crystal and gold glasses create a mise en place of great visual impact.

We can accommodate every occasion!

Weddings and receptions are not the only events that Il Circolo delle Querce is able to host. Birthdays, themed parties, children’s parties, DJ sets, fashion shows and promotion events are just some of the gatherings that can be achieved in our reception room, on our panoramic terrace in the warmer months, or in over 14 acres of gardens that can be set up to suit your taste and requirements.

large party hall
reception hall
large party hall
large party hall

Contact us today

for weddings, receptions, parties and business events.

Contact us

Phone number

+39 345 9745175


Where to find us

Via Madonna di Loreto, 80 Soriano nel Cimino (Viterbo)

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